Miroslava Maixnerová

In 2020 she wrote about herself:

I was born in Brno, in district called “Old Brno”. We lived in a family house with both front- and garden. When I was born, I was really tiny. Till late night I immitigable roared so I got from my beloved ones the nickname “singer”.
At the very top of the house was an abandoned atelier – uncle’s studio –, which remained as it was, when my uncle (artist and inventor) with his family decided to emigrate to the USA. From there you could go to a sun deck directly under the roof where led a ladder, we were not allowed to climb on. It was lovely to sit on the roof ridge and the view on the river and surrounding houses was gorgeous. I looked down at the tiny people and closed my eyes against the sun, because so were the beautiful coloured rings formed behind my eyelids.
And I like them still. But eye illusions are not enough for me any longer, so I make my own beauty: I have built my own ar school – I create hand cut posters – and paintings both with and without mosaic style – illustrations – drawings – combined technique made paintings – wall paintings – and much more.
I am married, have 2 daughters and shared atelier with my husband Jakub in Mosilana, Brno. Our son will be born at the year’s end. “Principles of life” philosophy fundamentally influenced my life.

Selection of Miroslava Maixnerová’s works

Miroslava Šarhanová Maixnerová

Miroslava Maixnerová

Miroslava Šarhanová Maixnerová - obraz 4
Miroslava Šarhanová Maixnerová - pod stromem
Miroslava Šarhanová Maixnerová - plakát Hadivadlo
Miroslava Šarhanová Maixnerová - sklípek
Miroslava Šarhanová Maixnerová - 7-bab
Miroslava Šarhanová Maixnerová - 14-zasnena
Miroslava Šarhanová Maixnerová - 17-vystava
Miroslava Šarhanová Maixnerová - 18-plot
Miroslava Šarhanová Maixnerová - kniha Chci od žívota víc
Miroslava Šarhanová Maixnerová - sklípek realizace
Miroslava Šarhanová Maixnerová - Star wars